Dental pulp is the soft area at the center of a tooth where the nerves, veins, and connective tissues are located. If the dental pulp becomes infected or damaged, Dr. Pape, Dr. Ramjit and our team may recommend a root canal in Key West, Florida. Root canal therapy is the process by which our dentists and team remove the diseased pulp, clean the tooth, and seal it. There are not always symptoms, but you may need a root canal if you experience any of the following:

• Severe toothache
• Prolonged sensitivity to hot or cold temperatures
• Discoloration of a tooth
• Swelling and pain in the gums
• A recurring pimple on the gums

To perform root canal therapy, our dentists will first take dental X-rays to examine the shape of your root canals and to check for any infection in the surrounding bone. An access hole is made in the tooth, through which the dental pulp, bacteria, and decayed nerve tissues are removed. Our dentists will use root canal files to clean out the tooth all the way down the roots. After your tooth is cleaned, our dentists will seal it. A dental filling called a buildup is used to close the access hole. Many times, a crown will be required.

To learn more and to schedule a visit, contact Isle Smile today.